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Non-qualifying Agency Leaders and Financial Consultants are not eligible to attend as accompany persons, except where the Agency Leader or Financial Consultant is a spouse of the qualifier. 

All APs are included in the planned activities in which the qualifiers are entitled to. However, due to the celebratory tone of our dinner events during which alcohol will be served, we do not allow any persons under the age of 21 for the official programme, even if they are under our AP package


Adult Accompany person package includes:

  • A return economy group ticket on the same flight itinerary as the Qualifier.

  • Accommodation with qualifier on twin-sharing basis with breakfast.

  • Coach transfers during the official convention period in Cape Town, where applicable.

  • Meals and functions as specified in the convention itinerary.

  • Singapore and Cape Town airport and fuel taxes for basic convention period only.

  • Basic plan travel insurance for the official convention period.

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